Today's snapshot features another photo from darthmaz314's recent trip to Walk Disney World. When Disney decided that their Hollywood Studios park needed an infusion of thrills for their guests, they dropped two rides that have since become two of Disney World's most popular at the far end of Sunset Boulevard...The Hollywood Tower of Terror and The Rock n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith. This attraction is an indoor roller coaster in the dark featuring a slingshot launch which propels riders from zero to 60 miles an hour in seconds and takes you through inversions, corkscrews and hairpin twists and turns, all to the pulse-pounding and hard rockin' soundtrack of one of the greatest American rock bands in history...Aerosmith. In addition to featuring a sampling of some of the band greatest hits, the band members themselves are featured in a unique (especially at the time of its debut) pre-show, which creates the back story that you the rider are late for the gig and are being whisked "to the Forum" in a super stretch limo as personal guests of the boys from Boston.
Pictured below is the Rock N' Roller Coaster's iconic Fender Stratocaster, which dwarfs anyone in its presence, as it sits in the shadow of the equally impressive Twilight Zone Tower of Terror.
Hats off to Disney for not caving to the musically void world of rap and hip-hop and partnering with a legendary group of true musicians like Aerosmith whose music has truly stood the test of time.
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