Thursday, September 24, 2015

darthmaz314 Disney Snapshot of the Day - The Ominous "Face" of Walt Disney World's Haunted Mansion

Today's Disney Snapshot of the Day shines an eerie spotlight on the Haunted Mansion as it appears during nights of the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. The creepy tint of the party lights bathe the mansion in an eerie glow that is unique to the Halloween season at the Magic Kingdom.
Walt Disney World's Haunted Mansion - courtesy

There are so many unique facets of the mansion, most of which go unnoticed by the casual guest. Case in point, the "Haunted Mansion Face," which is highlighted below. Notice how the illuminated symmetrical openings above the gated solarium windows give the below pictured portion of the mansion the appearance of a masked face. The mansion seems to ominously glare at you from a distance, almost daring you to come closer and experience all 999 happy haunts that dwell within. Welcome foolish mortals to the Haunted Mansion...

The Haunted Mansion "Face" - courtesy 

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