Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Force Awakens Snapshot of the Day - Rey Uses the Jedi Mind Trick on Her Stormtrooper Guard

Today darthmaz314 brings you the first Force Awakens Snapshot of the Day. Here we see, the Star Wars saga's newest heroine..Rey, as she uses the Jedi mind trick to coerce the stormtrooper standing guard over her to release her while captive on Starkiller Base. A bit of Force Awakens trivia for you...the stormtrooper featured in this scene is played by none other than James Bond himself, Daniel Craig.
"You will remove these restraints and leave this cell with the door open." - Rey Uses the Jedi Mind Trick on Her Stormtrooper Guard from The Force Awakens - courtesy Lucasfilm/Disney
Check back for more Force Awakens posts in the coming days and weeks...

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