Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Lego Dragon Maleficent vs. Prince Philip - Disney (Lego Store) Snapshot of the Day

Today's Disney Snapshot of the Day brings you the artistry of master Lego building, on display outside of the Lego store in Downtown Disney. Your average mall Lego store may have on display some of the more elaborate sets available for purchase as a consumer, enclosed in cubes of Lucite. These sets, whose pieces number in the thousands are impressive. But these seem like six piece Duplo preschool creations when compared to the awesome masterworks displayed at the Disney Lego Store. These massive Lego sculptures, comprised of innumerable bricks and pieces are truly awesome to behold. The amazement you feel as you contemplate the time and effort required to construct these displays is second only to the wonder at how they survive the elements of Florida's brutal summer heat and intense storms. 

Pictured below is one of the most elaborate sculptures on display at the Disney Lego Store. As a nod to the upcoming release of Disney's live action Maleficent film, we present this Lego recreation of the final encounter between the dragon Maleficent and Prince Philip. This impressive piece towers above guests as it sits between the Downtown Disney Lego store and the cavernous World of Disney shop. Just one of many truly impressive pieces, this sculpture is selected as our first Disney Lego Store Snapshot of the Day. Look for more in the future. 

The Maleficent vs. Prince Philip Battle Recreated in Lego Outside the Downtown Disney Lego Store

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