It would be hard to imagine a Star Wars film without the music of John Williams. The resounding Star Wars theme that explodes with a crash of cymbals and a blast of horns and plays during the opening crawl, the unforgettably playful cantina song, and the ominous Darth Vader Imperial march are all products of Williams’ musical genius. All of them have transcended the realm of movie music and become indelible components of our pop culture soundtrack thanks to the Maestro, John Williams. While most that score films remain relatively anonymous beyond the seconds that their names appear in the credits, John Williams has cemented his status as legend in the film industry by composing some of the most memorable scores to some of the biggest blockbusters in film history. An over-exaggeration? You be the judge.
Beyond his work on all six Star Wars films, John Williams

A few months ago, we featured an Episode VII post that speculated on whether or not journeying back to he galaxy far, far, away was a smart move for the Star Wars franchise. With George Lucas gone and Disney now controlling the Force, many Star Wars fanatics are skeptical about the future of the franchise. However, in my humble opinion, many of the puzzle pieces appear to be falling in the right places. Star Wars has been left in very good hands with Kathleen Kennedy at the helm of Lucasfilm. Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher have signed on to reprise their roles in Episode VII. Lawrence Kasdan (screenwriter of The Empire Strikes Back) is on board to assist with the story development. And now, John Williams has been secured to score the film. All good news those who want to see Star Wars regain its former glory.
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